Child Sexual Abuse

The Catholic Church, Jehovah's Witnesses, Boy Scouts of America, and other organizations may have failed to protect children from abuse. Some abuse survivors may be able to pursue legal action.

Contact us for a free legal consultation.


Pennsylvania Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit attorneys are helping Pennsylvania victims of child sexual abuse seek justice and compensation from institutions that failed to protect them; including churches, summer camps, schools, religious organizations, and youth recreation organizations like the Boy Scouts of America.

As has happened across the nation, many established and respected Pennsylvania institutions now stand accused of ignoring, covering up, and even enabling decades of horrific child sexual abuse. 

But there may be hope on the horizon. The Pennsylvania State Legislature is considering the passage of a bill that would drastically raise the statute of limitations, thereby giving many more victims the legal right to pursue justice and compensation from the institutions that failed to protect them. The bill would also give victims who had been unable to pursue civil claims in the past – due to age or statute of limitations legal restrictions – a new, time-limited window of opportunity to pursue claims. 

How Can I Pursue Justice?

If you or a loved one suffered sexual abuse as a child on the premises of – or while under the care and responsibility of – a religious organization, school, summer camp, youth recreation program, or other institution, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified and experienced attorney to talk about your options. 

Depending on the current age of the victim, among other factors, you may be able to pursue a legal claim for what may be significant compensation. But don’t wait. Your window of opportunity may be limited by statute of limitations laws. 

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